>>68566976/biz/ here.
I think so, yeah.
But it all comes down to personal beliefs. Even with investing, or economy in general, there is no correct single approach / beliefs / way to analyze the market. Some people think companies should grow exponentially forever, so it doesn't really matter how high a p/e ratio gets. And some times they are right, many stocks keep growing, no matter how high a p/e ratio is. Other people (like me) believe that sooner or later something will go wrong, and the higher the p/e ratio is, the harsher will be the crash on the stock price. Which is why we think it is wiser and safer to have p/e ratios closer to the industry average. I think it also puts less pressure on the company, as you said, and doesn't force them to come to compromises to squeeze out profits that might hurt the company long term.
>>68567004No, I also believe that this dip is healthy for Anycolor, as long as it doesn't keep going for weeks.
>>68567246Each person has their own take, but I believe that big money investors aren't immune to mood swings. Also, I think that big money investors aren't necessarily long-term investors. There definitely are big money investors with weak hands (aka, they tend to sell at the first PANIC moment), and there are small money investors with diamond hands (will hold the equities through any kind of shitstorm).