Quoted By:
>Pippa's come back
>my finger is still broken, can't really type and thirstpost about her lovely pale feet in chat
>at least a month to go until the fucker heals properly
>gave more statements to the police in the morning, old cop visibly pissed off at the guy who attacked me
>there's video evidence of the attack, all cards stacked in my favor
>new glasses still not made, will be maybe by the end of the week but probably the next
>squinting at the monitor like an Asian
>summer heat kicked in big time, understand and appreciate Panko's raw determination and grit to stream on the other side of the Adriatic while enduring this tropical heat wave
>the panda is kicking ass unironically, her content is pure gold, well refined through effort
>still pondering what and how Remi could grow more, but drawing blanks because her effort and keyfabe ability is substantial, but mind finds no new way or road, still think she needs a specific niche that eludes me
>Lumi's youtube streams and zatsu skills remain excellent, and she remains underrated as fuck compared to her skill level, unironically an upper echelon tier chuuba that belongs in the big girls club. Vast potential and displayed ability.
>Uruka's charming voice still plucks at my heart strings, reminds me of my female cousins. Funny and entertaining bear, though uneducated in regards to appeal of feet.
>still no hard opinion on new invaders, see they're doing fine and happy for it though, can't really watch everyone since it's physically impossible
>overall quite pleased by our girls, no jarring issues or complaints
>be Krampus, still a mere Croat
Excuse the format, but since typing is now a bitch and a half and I just mostly lurk I still wanted to post something just because. I forgot how oddly disconnected it feels to just lurk. I feel like an orbiter.