>>1528333>be you>"learned" Japanese >acts like a massive faggot about it, shit up threads for months >complains about EOP's and also "makes fun" of them in every thread>people get tired of you bragging about learning hiragana, start making fun of you when you can't deliver TL's>get upset, start playing stupid and say things like "WHY IS EVERYONE SO TRIGGERED ITS SUCH A COPING MECHANISM?? GUESS YOU'RE STUCK WITH CHINKTL'S"Seethe and dilate homosexual. You're exactly like the cringy EOP's writing "beechuuba daisuki!!!" only you write it in katakana after taking 10 minutes double checking your sentence, AND the Jap whore still gets confused by your word soup. It's incredibly obvious only 5 of you are actually fluent in Japanese because none of you could actually translate magnets graduation on time. The fucking seaniggers and spics in chat were faster. All you faggots did was speculate until the 3rd world TL's came in. No one is triggered, stay offline reddit.