/lig/gers live right now
Giri (Cookin')
>twitch.tv/onigirienSqu (Art)
>twitch.tv/squchanVeinna (JC)
>twitch.tv/veinnaYocci (JC)
>twitch.tv/yocleshMeat (Mysteries Under Lake Ophelia)
>twitch.tv/meatEggs (MGR)
>twitch.tv/overezeggsOlivia (Stanley Parable HD)
>twitch.tv/oliviamonroeVex (JC)
>twitch.tv/vexoria_the_suneaterYenkoes (JC)
>twitch.tv/yenkoesCV (JC)
>twitch.tv/cvnkaShibuya Kaho (JC with her chuuba model)
>twitch.tv/shibuya_kahoNo /lig+/ live.
Happy Big Wenzday. We're just getting into burger hours so expect to see the regulars coming on later in the day; Frog and Chibi are back in action today at their usual times.
For VOD recs we had an excellent Snuffy impromptu karaoke (VOD nuked but some anons have stepped up to the plate
>>25329043 >>25329215); A solid EDF collab with dm, froggy, kabhaal and a bear; Techy treated us to a VRC runthrough of Blockbuster; Mari overcame eating all the eggs; Moka screaming her way through Bioshock and the triumphant return of Tob.
Stay beautiful /lig/