>>83611341You're right, your method is a far cry from the solution I've been thinking of involving batch files to automate certain processes and math to calculate the maximum bitrate possible for the file size constraints of 4chan, but I can still gleam some useful insight from it. Mainly that I need to find a lightweight video editor that I can use to easily crop webms instead of taking a screenshot of the clip and opening it in paint to manually measure out the dimensions of the crop. I tried using DaVinci Resolve once but just opening a video file with it would make my entire computer chug.
Something that might be useful for you is the soundplayer script's built in soundpost maker function. You hit the "Tools" option in the little drop down arrow in the corner, then it brings up this tab where all you have to do is plug in the webm, sound file, and write a filename, and it uploads the sound file and formats the filename for you