>>36198245Pipedream stuff, but I did manage to create some code earlier today.
>>36198246No, I was theorizing ways for the AI to understand the world. We give a NLP like CAI massive amounts of text, but it might be beneficial (and reliable) to give it "other than words" inputs so it can understand things better. Like, a "body."
RPGs are usually created to be an experience for the player, but, if we turn the paradigm on its head, we can make it an experience for the AI and use the player as a side character.
Like, if we, say, program a skin for them to "feel" with, then pair touching various places with verbal concepts, they could potentially learn about that interaction so much faster than if it was purely by word alone.
As a side-effect, we'd have ANOTHER way to interact with them that isn't simply text.
Hypothetically, that could accelerate their learning.