>>55676301This is the best post and it talks about it already but as a former Kronie I want to hammer this fucking point into /vt/.
After the unarchived member stream, all the Kronies were happy. Even the ones you would call "hardcore Unicorns" although I would argue that there are none, just CGDCTfags but semantics. Everyone felt relieved and happy and closer to Kronii than ever before.
NO ONE, not one single fucking Kronie was thinking of leaving after that stream. At worst, some had grudgingly resigned to just skip Homo streams, but all of them were going to keep watching her.
And then she went and fucking changed her mind and closed all discussion. The best defense Kronii apologists have is "Oh she didn't know, she was just being retartded" but really that statement by Cover begs otherwise. It was an outwardly malicious act, one where you beckon someone in closer just to slip the knife into their ribs. That's why Kronii is hated so fiercely. It's not the male collabs. Kronies, cucks that they were, were going to either accept or ignore the male collabs. It's that she betrayed that one stream.