>>46437875Not part of this convo vhain but literally amd unironically they all arem
It is their job to entertain and deliver good content.
To do that they need feedback om m what works and what doesn't.
If they ask on twitter they'll only get people saying they're great and to change nothing (think I remember some small corpo trying this even and then whining about the hugbox responses).
If they try it on stream then same thing.
Marshmallows? Get ready for antis and trolls to give you fake info like "I think Pomu's only entertaining when she yells at chat".
Reddit? Hugbox.
4chan is unironically the best place to get feedback for a streamer.
Yes, there are some trolls and holobugs here who will make shit up and anti, but if you're able to wade through that a bit (and it's always very obvious) then it's the best you can do and you should come here for feedback.