NijiEN genuinely isn't fixable in this state. After a horrifically awful February and 7+ months of drama now cumulating in heaving-hitting talents leaving bit by bit, it would take a lot of time, effort and possibly money to turn things around - all things that Anycolor wouldn't never bother with. But even if they did and decided to fix things after today it'd be like covering up a flesh wound with a bandaid, it'd be too ineffective for what it is.
Management genuinely saw no issue with the branch being in the state it was in for months on end, and beyond the livers doing dumb shit on twitter or on stream, inept/malicious management is also a good reason why the branch is sinking and why there's so much more jaded and resentful fans. There's only 2 talents with any official Home3D models and its been nearly 2 years since the branch has been founded for christs sake, nevermind the fact that they charged $50+ USD or its equivalent for a "concert" that was a glorified Live2D karaoke. Or the fact that for NijiFES only one EN member is taking part in any 3D singing. It's clear now more than ever that NijiEN has been moved down the latter in terms of priorities, and knowing the company it's only a matter of time before we start hearing terms like "Ex-ID" thrown around when the branch is absorbed back into the main company.
>>55759478That would've been the best possible decision months ago. Now though? Keep her there, even when they absorb the branch into NijiJP and the branch is even more of a husk of what it was. Keep her locked there forever as punishment for being one thing out of many that ruined the branch.