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Pochi may be an ungrateful bitch
Riro may be a deranged whore
but at least they're happy
maybe Pochi is doing better now that she ditched certain fans, maybe Riro was right and idol is an evil company. I can believe that they did the right thing since they look happy now
but I know that you are not happy, you don't sound happy at all
you were happy before
you hated us, you lied to us, but you couldn't hide your happiness
you couldn't hide it because you're an awful liar. the only people you ever managed to trick were the turboautists
you betrayed us, but that doesn't really matter
you betrayed yourself
your biggest crime wasn't making fun of the boo bros, your biggest crime was wasting your talents and denying yourself the chance to be a successful content creator
I hope you have a fun life being a pet
I hope you have fun watching all your dreams slip away