Pack 10 is out. Go to Market and buy it 3 times for maximum copies of the Commons. Only AI is enabled at the moment, I'll turn PvP back on later. Let me know if anything isn't working as intended.
Permanent effects now have limits to how many times they can be added to each Player (1 for Venerable Airi and Koufukuron and 2 for Daily Lumi)
Tummy Hort now prevents cards from being targeted by all friendly effects that apply Tummy Hort.
Alice cost 3->2
Chadbug's debut now also grants the Player +1 armor
Lumigator atk 1->2
Lumitchi is now also a Dizzy card
Mini Mold new optional effect
Yuuna adds Bread to the Player's hand the first time her effect triggers
Sakana now also applies Tummy HortPack 9 Changelog