>>91399942>>people asking if they can join the VSMP>Lillie recs the runeterra server ran by a couple of her friends, it's got a bun RPG/adventure features build in>hasnt played on it for almost 2 years did not stream any or if>showing off the Winter Wonderland and the insane amount of ice she's been gathering with Kokone >riding the railway and visiting the pigs>genocided about 7 stacks of them last time >thinks the pigs are there because of the witchnope, it's a bug in this set of mods, pig endlessly spawn in snow biomes, source is Furi
>trying to ride back, but pigs are int the way>the Lillie is not amused, genocide ensues>yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay>conflicted about the craftopia mod, what the site shows is not necessarily all in the game and some of the game stuff is not on the site so it's hard to figure stuff out>wanna make a machine to auto plant and auto harvest crops>brainstorming a new machine for that>will figure it out another time>for now, testing if her PC can stream Infinity Nikki before ending stream