The new VShojo clip compilation has a custom thumbnail and the artist posted the full piece on Twitter too. It's cute. Anyway, schedule time. Currently live:
AiCandii - Currently using a Live2D body of a cat in a business suit. It's very jiggly and cute and she's doing some art. - M'lord is moving up in the world. Once a 2 view nobody now he's collabing in Devour with TrickyWi,Sayu, and Yuzu. today:
Vei - The game that Nyan + Mouse were supposed to play on Thursday, House of Ashes. Also another planned Amazon Prime watch party.
Mouse - The schedule says try not to laugh + Fatal Frame. But last night Mouse was saying she might just wind up doing Minecraft again.
I hope she doesn'tZen? - The day before Halloween. I'd like to think Zen would show up again.
Froot? - Made some good progress in Minecraft last time and it's the day before Halloween. Seems like the perfect time to make an appearance.
Silver's off. Nyan is off too, but plans to be around tomorrow for Halloween. Mel is also off but her Halloween status is unknown. And Hime is on a vacation that will seemingly never end.