I decided to take a bit of a teeny look at how some of the youtube converts have been doing compared to Gura and it's pretty surprising about how either:
>A. Gura outperforms them massively>B. How vtubers outperform the general streamer on youtubeHere's two examples I can pull out since there's archived streams:
https://youtu.be/r94Ryo766Ps>9 hour long stream>Stayed above 15k ccv for 5 hours>Peaked at 27k>400k viewsSince it's a day old VOD, we can use Gura's recent MC that hit 450k in at least 24 hours. Right there's already a massive difference between the two. Then we have Sykkuno who had an Among Us lobby a day or two ago:
https://youtu.be/KGfJcIT-cJw>5 hour long stream>Was above 20k for over 4 hours>Peaked at 28k>450kWhich again, still performed worse than Gura's MC. And you can even compare his solo POV birthday stream with Ludwig to her part 2 of Stanley Parable that was pretty much just a throwaway stream for her to finish up.
It's kind of crazy just how much stronger of an audience vtubers have and how much they can achieve in comparison. These are people that've been plastered on media for years and have enormous pull compared to >anime girl and yet here we are.