Quoted By:
> be OP
> be fat basement dwelling incel chink (as opposed to being a half starved peasant povertyfag chink )
> can't make any sounds out of his mouth that don't sound like " HO XING XAO MING BING GONG"
> can't feel empathy due to his insectoid nature
> sucks at life
> spreads c*mmunist cancer
> gets wheels of justice slowly ground over his bug body in the form of tiddydragon reaching 1mil, doxxfags going Starship Troopers on his kind, and tiddydragon modding her tatsunokos and your efforts instantly going up in a cloud of bug spray
> can't harass Coco
> can't even shitpost in her chat as your social credit is too low for you to afford an additional device
> can only come to an anonymous Taiwanese jelqing symposium to fish for (you)s
> didn't even get that from this post