>>67817691>KikiAlso known as "Ewww", cucked her fanbase with a dude, then cucked that dude with one of her mods. Is gross and meanspirited.
>Not-FaunaGraduated and formed Vallure, will have her REVENGE. Mentally ill. The only scottish woman who isn't fat.
>SkyeBurnt out from working and drama. Helped design two of the second gen Eien girls.
>KilliaSexy british fish lady. Very good spirits despite everything.
>AmoraDesigned by Skye. Cannot eat meat. Has the bearings of an upper class British family upbringing. Dislikes lewdness. Is lewd. I want to use my human tentacles to fuck all her holes (human males have tentacles).
>BlaiseSkye's "sister", Skye helped scout her but they aren't actually related it's all kayfabe. Extremely autistic, gets VERY ANGRY if you lewd her. Has a lewd twitter though for some reason?
>Frog GirlHas a strong boston accent. Probably reads /vt/. Has the most annoying fanbase. Same sense of humor as Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Cancels streams a lot.
>NaviIs actually unironically diagnosed as autisic. Has sensory problems. Randomly streams at 3 AM because she can't sleep.
>MirriExtremely retarded Norwegian girl. Will be the first to yab hard and graduate from the second gen, at least my money is on her since she is so fucking stupid. Otherwise very pleasant.