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>When I was in japan. And I had ordered Cocoichi, and I ate it, it was very good, but I got full so I wasnt able to finish it. So I just kind of left it there and I was gonna have it for breakfast instead. But around breakfast it was eh, it was a little bit cold and I wanted to heat it up, but I didn't have a microwave so I was wondering, how am I gonna heat this up? Well. Ya boy found a way. It's an unconventional way but I found a way so. What I did was, uh, there was, the-the-there was a bathtub. And if you turn up the heat all the way, it's um, it gets warm. It gets really really warm so what I did is. I filled up the bathtub with scalding hot water, like very very hot water and then I just, took the plastic plate that everything came in and I placed, submerged it in the hot water. I placed some um, like shampoo and body wash on top of it as weights so it just sat there in a bathtub for like 15 minutes or so, and after that I just took it out of there and uh, voila.