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(Not me but I'm reposting this anon's idea)
So I've had this idea for a /meat/ mod for minecraft and I'd like your opinions on it.
>Meat block
You craft it with 9 pieces of pork and you have a meat block. It can be used to make creepy body horror build but most importantly...
>Meat golem
If you put the meat blocks in a T shape with a carved pumpkin on the top it spawns a meat golem. Their main purpose is farming (It could look like anything but I imagine it looking like Akira)
You can kill the meat golem in any way you want and it will give different drops depending on how you dispose of them. The main one being edible meat that will give you a weak effect similar to the suspicious stew, but they can be combined with other ingredients to make meals equivalent to potions.
For example:
-Killing them with fire could give you fire resistance
-By drowning could give you water breathing
-With sword could give you defence against weapons
Suffocation, lightning, zombie bite, the more ways to be rewarded for killing in different ways, the more opportunity for creativity!
>What if we use meat blocks out of meat other than pork?
Different meat golems can have different bonuses
>Beef golem
Oppai golem who can be milked
>Mutton golem
Golem who's outfit can be sheared away for materials
>Poultry golem
A golem who lays eggs that can be thrown to spawn more golems. Could be a replacement for the mass animal meat farming that would be needed to build the golems. Also if the golem looks like Akira could be a cute shoutout to her favourite animal.
>Horse leather golem
A rideable mob that functions like a horse. Not sure how it'd look in minecraft though.
These are just the ideas I had, but if you guys have any tell me. If you think it's stupid tell me. I feel like it could be a lot of fun!