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LoRA Rentry update finally up! This is my Farewell Rentry update.
1 New Agency
76 New Chuubas
28 Updated Chuubas
17 New XL models
2 Lora Information updates
With this crazy update, I will be stepping down from updating the LoRA rentry for a while, I will make an additional rentry for lora's I haven't tested so you can keep up whats available, even if its not in the main two rentries (main or indie). I'll be adding that a little later to the main lora rentry, and the MEGA LoRA Archive will be updated whenever CDB is done with it.
I will get back to it after my newest rig is completed to make testing faster, when will that be? nobody knows, not even me. Its completely in the suppliers and shipping companies hands.. so this isn't a complete goodbye, I will still be posting here and keeping track, I just cant justify spending days on grids anymore while my GPU is showing signs of death.