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T you can't just claim you're not a hateful person when you want millions of people dead in a particular part of the world
Obviously, it's not uncommon, but it's not right and it's still hateful
Shondo recognises she needs to get better with being nise to everyone and with forgiveness, you? You say bee nise, ask a mod, etc. While you yourself aren't nise, and you can't behave(and i don't mean for a short while, sure, you resisted for a bit, but that's the problem, you're resisting your urges instead of changing, that's not repentance)
I say this because you're slightly delusional, you're right about some things and some shoggas, but straight up paranoid about others, not to place blame on you though, you, having been banned because of it, are one of the biggest victims of your actions
My genuine advice is to look at any post critiquing you and to spend time not thinking of a reply, but about what circumstances lead that person to making such a critique using that specific language and phrasing, it's best to think up of as many possibilities as possible, even improbable ones
I used to be quite similar to you just a few years ago, but exercising placing myself in different circumstances and rotting in the place of others helped me break out of that and allowed me to grow
Firstly, do away with your self righteousness, the way i did that was by putting focus on perspectives, realising mine's just one of many
After that, whether you judge your morals to be superior to others' is your freedom, but it's an important exercise to do and that helped me personally, though I wasn't anywhere as mentally ill as i am now, at least I wasn't conscious of it