>>82659644Well then here it is. Think of these as journal entries so these are quite short. I'll put a spoiler on this just in case.
I was excited for another amazing day where my fans and the people in the company praise me. I didn't get that today unfortunately, instead someone new was introduced in the company. Gavis Bettel, that's his name. A jester that's also an idol, quite a funny man to others... not me though. Although the managers did say he was only going to be staying here temporarily in the company, I can't risk having this dumb clown outshining me. I heard that he's willing to get hurt in order to have entertaining content for his fans to laugh at, after all as a jester it's his duty to make others laugh and smile. Well then... I'll give him just that.
It only took two days with two medicine balls in a box, I was able to drop it on his head while he was practicing performing his song.
I personally found it funny how he was singing about being "Unlucky." Along with him dropping flat on the stage. That's the only chuckle he got out of me, he is now currently in the hospital, in a coma. The company thought it was best to just make him graduate "indefinitely" until further notice. Not what I had in mind, but it will have to do. His fans, the Bettelion, were quite heartbroken by the news. Don't worry Bettel, I'll take good care of the Bettelion while you're "indefinitely gone" or should I say my new fans?