/lig/gers live right now -
Halo Sweety (ASMR)
>twitch.tv/halo_sweetyDya (Art)
>twitch.tv/dyarikkurpr (Apex)
>twitch.tv/rprxGiri (Cookin' Ribs)
>twitch.tv/onigirienElly (Sleeping - Subathon)
>twitch.tv/elly_vtZone (Art)
>twitch.tv/zonesamaSavi (Demon's Souls Remake)
>twitch.tv/savisenpaiiPesto (JC)
>twitch.tv/yuniihoAmeDoll (JC)
>twitch.tv/amedollThinkerbella (Karaoke)
>twitch.tv/thinkerbellaGamma (I Expect You To Die)
>twitch.tv/gammainkkLewnabun (ASMR)
>twitch.tv/lewnabunSprite (Holocure)
>twitch.tv/deviousspriteMarina (Jurassic World Evolution)
>twitch.tv/marinaNo /lig+/ live
(Zen on hiatus)
I was going to write a joke about yesterdays streams to the tune of Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night", but I'm too hung over from drinking Loko whilst watching Tobs new outfit stream.
It's Saturday! We're coming off a pretty jampacked Friday night and, as always, Saturday is a bit slower.
There's a few decent picks on now in Aussie Hours, but if none of it appeals to you - plenty of streams yesterday to VODwatch. Vienna did endurance Hollow Knight; Snuffy streamed (just in general); Saruei struggled through DS2; Chibi beat up kids in Fall Guys; Two seperate helpings of DM; And, of course, Tob had a new outfit reveal.
Stay beautiful /lig/