Danmaku Edition
Want to follow in the footsteps of Holocure, Rocksuki, Delivering Hope, Niji VNs, and other fan games? Want your oshi to notice you and play your shit? But you have no idea how to draw or fucking script?!
Or are you just envious that your great idea never became real while half-assed fan games got more attention?!!
Then come into this place where we show off our ideas, discuss how to develop fangames, playtest each other's games, and hopefully get our oshis to play them!
Previous Thread:
https://hackmd.io/dLaaFCjDSveKVeEzqomBJw(Anyone can edit and contribute!)
>List of existing /vt/ made fangames>List of in-development /vt/ made fangames>List of programmer, designer, developer Vtubers