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I've been kind of torn lately. I've been making some software that transcribes the streams, and does a bunch of analysis on them to effectively create those autistic timestamp posts using keywords, language models, and time series analysis to detect changes in voice patterns. I'm about halfway done writing the code and was going to do testing this weekend, but now not sure if that's a good thing to make public. On one end, mummeh encouraged timestamping vods on the second OSRS stream, and it objectively does help build the channel(s), but on the other end i do have a desire to gatekeep, especially with some of the events recently. It's hard to tell if it's a good or bad idea since i'm an autist and i've done professional social media analytics in a previous life, and I cant predict if spoonfeeding tourists will be a net negative.
to be honest, i originally started writing this code so i could make soundposts more efficiently, and i might just keep it that way for the time being