Lia I saw your new outfit live but I could not post until now. You sounded like you were having so much fun congratulations! I think you already know our taste in fashion different but you seemed really passionate about it. It was a great stream and you were so energetic and lively it was fun to watch. Thanks for the stream!
>Ember WednesdayTheres an ember day this Wednesday if you want to join us in fasting. Its also the perfect day to eat tempura which combines both your ethnic backgrounds. Tell your family I said hi, God bless you all.
>veilingHave you heard of veiling Lia? I want to share these two videos with you
>Why Veil at Mass>Beginner's Guide to Veiling! think you would look beautiful with one on. Youre already beautiful without the veil but you would look extra special with one on. You can find really good ones on etsy. Youre the best.