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Thank God for Pippa.
Often, when I am alone, I feel nothing but rage. The state of modern culture can be summated as a cesspool of hedonism, narcissism, instant gratification and slave morality. Modern politics is a complete fucking joke, its a banana republic that goes to the highest bidder, and entire swathes of people have their minds changed at the dial of some fucking algorithm in instagram HQ. Even if people were freed from the constant corruption of porn, media and consumerism, the collective education on topics like history, psychology and philosophy is so abysmally nonexistant it wouldn't make a difference anyway because of chronic dunning-krueger stupidity. Good thing a vote from a Harvard professor of economics and finance counts for the same as franky the meth addict. White birth rates continue to plummet and we joyously spread our cheeks for the foreigner to take the country our forefathers entrusted to us, the country that many, many men better than you or me died for.We are all completely blind to the abyss we stand over, the abyss that was once held back by religion, by culture, by heritage and ancestral pride. "haha, just chilll broo, we out here vibing brooo". I legitimately wonder if i won't end up killing one of these fucking plebs some day. Nobody wants to give anything, but everyone wants everything, all the while sucking on the fat teat of government gibs like the useless parasites they are. The meta narrative has collapsed. Nihilism creeps like an all consuming rot through the nucleus of our civilisation, and all around me everyone just keeps fucking doing the same old stupid shit. Porn, video games, weed, drinking, hedonism, promiscuity. "Man is a rope between the animal and the superman, a rope over the abyss", and now that rope is about to snap, and darkness will once again swallow up our collective consciousness.
But then I Pippa goes live.
The voices go away.
And I am happy again.
Thank God for Pippa.