>>80259008I'm guessing you're the one who called me out here to the tribal lands of /vt/. It's been what? About half a year since this issue was first called to my eyes? I'mma be real with you chief I'm still unearthing stuff behind the curtain about the matter. It took a big back seat to other issues like how to handle POI with the IP counter gone and much more things that don't include the whale known as IRL. That's not to say I haven't made shit for progress in looking into it, but as a spoiler what I unearthed it's mostly a whole fucking boatload of autism and a poll that's a fucking nightmare to attempt to parse. In what fucking world do you need more than 300 options for a 23 man roster? Holy fucking shit. In short I'm still trying to find the malice in it all. Because in my mind this kind of dispute is guaranteed with a poll with this many options.