>>94261811You wake up to the sound of something crashing into your house followed by incessant screeching.
It turns out to be a (likely autistic) harpy, clearly wounded. You've treated strays before, this isn't anything too new, just bigger and way more dangerous. And so you do your best to get her patched up and take care of the dumb bird while getting multiple claw marks and fractured bones yourself until she's finally in a good enough shape to leave.
You try to help her take off.
She doesn't. She just goes back inside to shovel your nuggies into her mouth and lock herself inside your gaming room. Any attempt to encourage her to leave ends with her either shaking her head or loudly screeching at you.
Getting desperate, you sedate her, shove her sleeping body into a car and leave her miles away from your house. You don't feel good about it, but it's for her own good.
When you try to get inside your house, the door refuses to budge. You've clearly unlocked it, but something is blocking it on the other side. Then you hear knocking on a nearby window.
That stupid bird is looking at you from inside with a smug grin on her face.
Looks like you now have a new roommate, one that isn't entirely keen on living on her own.
Best of luck.