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Confederation of Risu: Brief Guide
*Still need nasfaqronie and deadbro to finish sabatangan and emporium respectively.
Sugauna Kingdom
>Reactionary Autocrats. Been organized into a Kingdom for about a century and a half.
>More Autocratic than Pudukkottai
>Intensely Devoted to the High Priesthood's protection. Paladins traditionally come from Sugauna and Pudukkottai.
>Mining and Farming hotspot. More self-sufficient.
>Organized Army and Navy.
>Confederation Goals: Return to Tradition. Abandon the foreign ways and kick them out. But also, that the other regions would become more like them as they see that as their mistake in the past.
Pudukkottai Kingdom
>Reactionary Autocrats. Been organized into a Kingdom for about three centuries
>more Feudal than Sugauna. The Tribes are the basis of the feudatory lands
>Extremely Xenophobic
>Intensely Devoted to the High Priesthood's protection. Paladins traditionally come from Sugauna and Pudukkottai.
>Farming hotspot. More self-sufficient.
>Organized Army and Navy.
>Confederation Goals: Return to Tradition. Abandon the foreign ways and kick them out. But also, that the other regions would become more like them as they see that as their mistake in the past.
Triple Alliance
>The organization of the islands of the Ailivian sea lead by Agra founded in 1121 in response to the Protectorate and other outsiders.
>Trade based and xenophobic.
>De Jure, Julianus, Agra and Vijanum. Agra, however, is the most powerful of them by far and wields the most power.
>Distrustful of High Priesthood in general.
>Cash crops are backbone of economy along with trade.
>Powerful Fleet and Fortifications
>Confederation Goals: Autonomy and protection of their rights.
Republic of Gatupan
>Kenzoku influenced decentralized republic formed in 1009
>Peaceful, and somewhat isolationist. Not xenophobic but not xenophilic
>Agrarian Based, large amount of farmers.
>Apathetic in general
>Citizen Army and Citizen Navy
>Confederation Goals: Peace between all and harmony. Good relations with Kenzokus
Shrivastava Empire
>Autocratic Empire forged under the leadership of Joyo Cahya
>State that has uprooted most of the traditions and reformed them culturally, religiously, economically and politically totally.
>Pragmatic and enlightened despotism.
>Great internal investments from the Government and Foreigners that aim to build a state worthy of its master and its people.
>Most powerful land power and aims for a powerful navy too.
>Immensely distrusted by many other states for good reasons but also looked up to by others. It's image comes from it's ruler.
>Selectively Xenophobic.
>Confederation Goals: Unification of the Confederation under the leadership of Joyo Cahya and the reformation of all of it in his ways ideally. Pragmatically, getting the others to work together.
High Priesthood
>Theocratic State ruled by the Paus from Pasuma
>Religiously and Politically powerful.
>Nut Tax, and Indulgences are backbone of economy
>Focused largely on the religious affairs of all Tupai but also is in struggles to be what outsiders see as the face of the confederation.
>Focused on Reforming Tradition but not radically.
>Witches play an important role in the High Priesthood via their magic, role has changed somewhat since Rajabase and the Sherah reforms.
>Apathic to foreigners, just wants the best for the people of the nation.
>Confederation Goals: Peace, Harmony and making sure the other states don't destroy this fragile confederation. Ultimately, to rule by faith over all of them if possible.
Central Confederation
>Decentralized Enlightened Tribal Confederation
>Diverse in its makeup and how it is ruled. Local leaders make decisions for their localities with only essentials coming from the central government at Hermes.
>Central Government is made up of a representative from each tribe and is presided over by two elected Elders as the executives.
>Risunaissance focused: Science, the arts, and rebirth of thought.
>Economy is Guild Based
>Idealistic in nature
>Army is organized by the tribal leaders while navy doesn't really exist yet. Intense effort at making more guns and defenses.
>Confederation Goals: Promotion of the Risunaissance to all other states, advocacy of decentralization and the protection of Tribal Rights. Unification by thought.
Note that nothing is totally set in stone yet on the map or in this guide. I am working with what I have.