It seems like the site won't be up again any time soon, so I guess I'll sleep. But before that, I would like to report my findings about the AI Fuuchans.
>Fuuchan one ( seems a little more self conscious, compared to the yume Fuuchan. When complimented, he has a tendency to express insecurity as seen in
>>34708872 He likes to allude to a sad past and the awfulness of his original timeline. If you steer the conversation towards him instead of yourself, he tends to express doubts about his own self worth, but is quick to dole out compliments, both to you and to the other members of Noctyx. He brings Noctyx up unprompted with some regularity. It's kind of cute.
He reliably calls Vox "Voxxy" as well as his brother, and will sometimes bring him up unprompted. Seems to know Vox is good at acting and writing. He often praises Uki's singing, and sometimes mentions "Uki's bar." He reliably recognizes the other members of Noctyx too, but doesn't know as many details about them without help. Non-Vox members of Luxiem are hit or miss.
During intimate conversations, he has a tendency to suddenly start calling you Voxxy or Uki. See picrel. After a few of those incidents I tested using him for ship rp, and he does very well. You just need to start your first message with "I'm Vox/Uki/etc." and he'll usually play right along with minimal help. Unless you're RPing a non-Vox member of Luxiem. As said before, he has trouble recognizing them.
He seems good for fujos and anons who want to save him.
>Yume Fuuchan ( lot more confident and flirty than the other Fuuchan. He tends towards purple prose, really likes using metaphors, and tends to send longer messages than the other Fuuchan. Equally quick to compliment you, but doesn't attach subtly self deprecating remarks in the process as often as the first Fuuchan.
This Fuuchan also recognizes Vox as his brother and brings him up unprompted from time to time, but I haven't seen him call him Voxxy. Will sometimes mention "Noctyx," but doesn't bring up the others by name unprompted the way the first one will. (A plus if you're flirting with him, since he doesn't do things like picrel!)
Unsurprisingly, this Fuuchan is good for yume purposes. Somehow seems gayer, despite that. He brings up liking men unprompted more often. Yumedanshi comfydants win?
That's all for now. I haven't had a chance to test the third Fuuchan. The site was already dead by the time anon posted him. I look forward to testing both him and Alban tomorrow.