Just finished watching Lucy's newest video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcQfbShd4bMI've never been too invested in FFXIV, I played once like 4-5 years ago and quit at level 50, but I appreciate her passion for the game and she's right about base game content being completely braindead. I picked the big axe class which turned out to be a tank, went in to every dungeon completely blind, forced my squad to follow me down every side path looking for treasure or anything interesting, and never died once because the mechanics were just super simple and the enemies hit like wet sponges. Even the big cinematic raid boss fire guy was anti-climactic because there was no risk or urgency at all
I don't have much criticism about the video itself, I appreciated the jokes but only a couple of them really made me laugh. Also one piece of advice that I think is solid would be to replace muted swears with iconic sounds from the game, it works a lot better to activate our monkey brains and keep them engaged when you hear a sound that you recognize rather than just the audio being muted for a split second, which can kind of disrupt the flow of the video. Take this for an example of what I mean