>>7928307Think about it this way, if all you ever ate is stale bread, would you be in any position to judge whether pizza or steak or anything else tastes better? Some people may prefer pizza over steak, but everyone will be able to tell you stale bread tastes like shit. Everyone that ever used anything better than Duolingo will tell you how useless it is. Especially if it's the only thing you do.
If you have no idea at all where to start, read or at least skim a couple of these guides while doing your kana reps, they are all different approaches that have a lot in common. You honestly don't need to learn Kana for months to master it before diving into learning words, you'll get better at kana by reading them every day, anyway. Doing your Anki reps and getting a lot of immersion is the most important part of getting good at Japanese. You will already get plenty of "passive" immersion through watching Holos, so other than Anki the only other thing you really need to do is getting active immersion, i.e. watching subtitled Japanese content (and pausing a lot) in order to encounter already known words in the wild to fortify your knowledge as well as mining unknown words and sentences and add them to Anki in order to learn them later. Install Yomichan immediately if you didn't already by the way, this is even more important than Ani. All of these guides will explain what it does and how you use it.
https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/learn/guide.htmlhttps://learnjapanese.moe/guide/https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vRTJ22UiHpPaafBlY2vNxQr1ROjq1iFp8_3rlVPYFqf3Se316Vf4Ucw2fljzDA8PPVqyMuWqf-t70s5/pub>>7928545You are doing pretty much the same thing I started out doing as well. That amount seems sustainable, too, so that's good as well. At this pace, reaching 2000 cards will take you over half a year though, so I definitely don't recommend doing nothing other than Anki. I got my last "new" card out of these 6000 about a month ago, and honestly, a lot of really common vocabulary that you see every day doesn't come up till the very end (or not at all). So you should definitely start mining your own cards through immersion as soon as possible. I only started watching subtitled content after about 6 months and I regret not doing it earlier. Once I started doing this, my understanding and vocabulary really started to skyrocket. See the guides above for pointers on how to do it, or just ask here if you have any questions.
Also, you should be doing these two decks (N5 first and then N4 afterwards) in parallel to your main reps as well, if possible. They are simple sentences that (usually) only introduce one word or grammatical concept at a time, so they are an easy way to build a foundation. If you need to reduce the amount of cards for the core decks in order to learn these as well, then do it, they are more valuable and are much shorter, anyway.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zeOx7prPlaX57IfxUn4138ja37PBqAna/viewhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/17n-XgsvPVC4XJ3gt6AZqP81wjnhwbSKk/viewHelpful links for those first getting into immersion: