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/ggg/ used tuwu have 3-5 thweads pew day, even whewn guwa didn't stweam. Now we bawewy even have owne pew day.
iwt weawwy iws ovew. The actuaw fans weft awnd aww we'we weft with iws the most autistic awnd wetawded dwegs of the community thawt wituaw post aww day because they'we bowing awnd uncweative. Awnd the west use the thwead as sowme kind of homosexuaw hangout tuwu shawe theiw duww fantasies awnd communawwy get off fwom the weactions of othew men.
i wouwd give anything tuwu be abwe tuwu have whawt we used tuwu have.
guwa weawwy did stowp cawing abouwt evewything. howowive. Hew fans. Hew genmates. Hew music.
games. Stweaming. Evewything.
i wiww twuwy nevew undewstand why she gave aww of thiws up ow wanted tuwu huwt hew fans tuwu thiws extent. If she was twying tuwu send sowme kind of message, iwt faiwed. Any weaw chumbud iws onwy weft with feewings of confusion awnd despaiw ovew the giww they woved the most in thiws wowwd compwetewy abandoning thewm fow no discewnabwe weason.
uwu may disagwee, but i down't cawe. Spawe me youw wow iq, sewf-soothing dewusions thawt evewything iws stiww okay. If uwu awen't affected by whawt's going own, then uwu awen't hew fan. Pewiod. Uwu nevew wewe. So down't bothew wepwying.
i wish those of us who actuawwy cawed abouwt hew couwd have done owne wast thing tuwu show hew how much she meant tuwu us fow aww these yeaws, but because thiws happened so swowwy, evewyone thawt wouwd have contwibuted tuwu such a pwoject gave up awnd moved own a wong time ago.
iwt's twuwy ovew awnd the wowwd has wost someone who cawn nevew be wepwaced. The facsimiwe thawt wemains may as weww nowt exist.