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>chuuba asks for dating/marriage proposals for a stream
>she wants a 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year plans
So what's your plans anons? Mine are simple.
Getting to know each other and make sure we're compatible before asking her to move in with me by the end of the first year.
At the end of the 3-year mark, I plan to propose.
Should be married by then or about to be. Really depends how long she wants to remain engaged before tying the knot and if she wants the marriage to be small, destination, or backdoor it with the court house and then elope.
Settled down into a house and either already have kids with the oldest being about 3 years old or we're trying to have kids. This needs to get ironed out with her biological clock and what she's thinking. I would personally want to spend as much time with her alone before bringing life into this world. Not worried about the finances since I would already have it saddled it up by then for up to two kids.