>>19683879But the reason holobronies are seething is that The Age of Men continues, as Vox put it, and Cover is tempted by the smell of money, and the Nijisanjification of All Humankind is underway, with holoEN among the first to be Nijisanjified.
What the holobronies had always feared is that boys are going to collab with girls on a regular basis and that they won't be able to do anything about it - seriously, what can they possibly do about it? Give more money to Cover?
It has nothing to do with Fulgur "offending" council when the holobronies themselves have been saying far worse things each and every single day since before their debut.
When holoID had an Among Us collab with holostars a year ago, I recall seeing only one sane human being on the entirety of /hlgg/, the rare holofriend who is not a holobrony:
https://archive.wakarimasen.moe/vt/thread/482282/#483013I understand there are indiefriends and smaller-corpfriends reading this thread from time to time, or even just this particular post, and it's probably not even news at this point, but let me warn you that sooner or later more bronies will be coming for your thread, comment section and chat.