>>59670000Koyote Kissing Machine, Gold, Ace Striker
"One night, on her way back to Koyolabo Koyori noticed something strange, a contraption with an uncanny resemblance to her standing in front of a monument to peace and love. Undaunted, she approached it only to find herself assaulted by an unrelenting storm of kisses, each wetter, sloppier, deeper and more passionate than the last... mwah mwah mwah mwah... "...nenechi... what have you done... this.. is... mwah.. is... mwah... t... mwah... oo... mwah... mwah... mwah..."
A trap fit for her and one she might not survived were it not for the sacrifice of joshu after joshu who upon noticing her peril, jumped in front of her in order to protect their beloved koyote...
Repurposed as an ace striker capable of breaking through any defence with an unrelenting stream of well placed CHU'S, the Koyote Kissing Machine's legend continues, supported by the careful care and maintenance provided to it by all members of the lab throughout day and night. Every inch of the machine has been thoroughly and repeatedly tested for maximum performance and its cheerful Mwah's are a constant source of joy for the lab."