Chibi Birthday TOMORROW. FOURTEEN (14) HOURS. Make card.
>RulesTiles must be 200x200 pixels or some multiple thereof. You can make as few or as many tiles as you want. Good natured ribbing is encouraged, but nothing NSFW/no obvious antiposting etc. Cutoff point for tiles will be the morning of the 30th.
>Things Chibi likes/jumping off pointsMario/Bowser, Hatsune Miku, Eurobeat, Minecraft, 1984, Cocomelon, the United Kingdom, having scoliosis, taking her medication, not taking her medication, wearing the same clothes for long stretches of time, Zentreya, koalas, going "rrrrrrr", barking, making fun of chat, chat making fun of her, talking fast and/or constantly changing subjects, being bald, being a muppet, being a valley girl, being a man using a voice changer etc etc
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