Astel's being brattier than usual today playing Needy Girl Overdose. Forcibly sending supachats and being a cute little piece of shit as he dictates the life of this "idol" streamer. He's at the very least having a hell of lot of fun messing around with the game. Plenty of laughs and jokes to be had here. that's the only stream we have for now...if you don't want to watch that game for obvious reasons then you should definitely do your VOD reps. Did you know today was a really fun and crazy karaoke day? Risu's Unarchive, Chloe's Return, Kanata's Return, Aqua Karaoke and even my oshi Ayame had a karaoke. You should pick one of them and give them a listen to.'t forget YAGOO was on Holotalk too, definitely should catch that fun stream if you missed it.>Songs ReleasedGod bless Polka and her amazing cover song releases. Today she sang the song Cinema and with her genki singing voice it's turned this bop into an absolute bop. There's no way you can listen to this song and not crack a smile with how much fun Polka sounds while singing it. Go give it a listen if you haven't yet, you won't regret it!