>>42399689i have heard weed can help you tough it out and its a good crutch if you need it similar to alcohol but it wont fix your core issue. I have read on reddit psychedelics helping people who have lots of trauma habits from survival, open up and sob to release alot of built up emotion, usually soldiers or adults from broken homes who had to grow up before they even hit puberty.
I also know alot of male bodybuilders who dont compete and just want to be big will take testosterone or tren just to bury the emotions harder or even take estrogen blockers to kill the emotions entirely though this often results in violent behaviour.
Just remember whatever drug you take is just to help you function for the moment its to keep you going as a COPING MECHANCISM not in the
>i need to survive right now so i smoke weed so i can get to work, it is this or homelessnessits an emergency use of something if its just your primarily thing and you need to be careful because this is how addictive personalities form regardless if its weed, television, fapping, or vtubers.
If you know your core issue on what causes you so much pain i would suggest a therapist if you have insurance you can often shop on the insurance card's website by price and specialization. Mine is only 50 dollars for an hour session of talk therapy and CBT. But there are some that are 2000 an hour that primarily sell their services to rich children or adults.