>>52840616>OK, so you're implying "pale" means just a change in V on the HSV scale and not S?You see, I pulled a classic move where I quote a post but rather than use their original text as written, I extrapolate the flawed logic that brought them to make such a retarded (and gay) statement. A little heehee haha, if you will.
>I...think even bringing up HSV when talking skin color is kind of an exercise in futility, considering people straight up use the words "white" and "black" to talk about skin.I'm not talking about a human being. I'm talking about an illustration.
>But I wouldn't necessarily say "pale" has to mean V only. If I had to say...the common idea of paleness would probably be a color that is closer to the top left quadrant? And going away from that in either direction would count as less pale? If I'm using common words, I'd still consider the leader swatch paler than Nowa's. If I'm talking makeup I'd probably say Nowa's warmer/more bronze and Altare's cooler/paler or something. If I'm talking digital art I'd say Nowa's more saturated and yellower and Altare's less saturated and redder.You're getting closer to the heart of the problem. Nowa's model is oversaturated and the skin went from being cool and pale to ultra saturated yellow and pale. If you want to go darker, you NEED darker values.
The shadows are orange. Pako needs someone who isn't colorblind to look over he work before he debuffs another model.