>>33097296Yes. If I have to live in a dictatorial, socially darwinist police state whose supposed free market principles end at paying a woman for sex, where women are empowered over men as a result of some fallacious Marxist meme about women being oppressed by not having to die of black lung in a coal mine, where a man who mans up and marries a whore is literally enslaved by the government under threat of debtor's imprisonment at her whim, where even the wealthy Johnny Depp became a domestic abuse victim as a result of western society's obscene pedestalization of women, then I get to be a universal misogynist to all the world's women.
Don't like it? Tough shit. Blame anyone who thinks women should have rights, and that men aren't due reparations proportional to how long we've lived under the high heel. Regardless, all vtubers are amateur whores (except the professional whores, who I respect) and I'll treat them as such.