>>29543582let's do it one by one, here is the last one that should give you something visible
>curl --silent -q "https://twitchtracker.com/viichan6/streams" | tr '\r' ' ' | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/<tr/\n<tr/g' | grep '<tr> <td nowrap data-order' | sed -e 's/<tr> <td nowrap data-order="//' -e 's/">\s*<a href="\//\t/' -e 's/\/streams">\s*<i class="fas fa-chevron-circle-right" title="Past Stream"><\/i>\s*<span>/\t/' -e 's/<\/span>\s*<\/a>\s*<\/td>\s*<td data-order="/\t/' -e 's/"><span>/\t/' -e 's/<\/span><\/td> <td><span>/\t/' -e 's/<\/span><\/td> <td class="hidden-xs"><span>/\t/' -e 's/<\/span><\/td> <td class="hidden-xs"><span>/\t/' -e 's/<\/span><\/td> <td class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"><span>/\t/' -e 's/<\/span><\/td> <td class="status hidden-xs">/\t/' -e 's/<\/td>.*$/\t/' -e 's/<\/span>/\ta\tb\tc\td/' -e 's/^\([^\t]\+\t[^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t\([^\t]\+\)\t/\1\t\5\t\6\t\9/' -e 's/^\([^ ]\+\) /\1\t/'You should see a list like pic related.
If you can speed up the tests we can finish this in one session, otherwise we'll have to meet by chance again, but your twitch tally is really nice so if we can finish this right now it would be golden