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Posting here as well just because
Mio zatsudan 23-12-2023 1/3
Mio laments not being able to stream on her channel much this week. When making schedules, Mio strives to find a balance between streams and breaks. It can be a hassle but Mio thinks there's a lot of benefits to making schedules. Mio jokes about her schedule preventing her from suddenly taking breaks, says everything is fine.
>Werewolf collab
Korone was the organizer but she requested Mio to be the game master, which Mio happily obliged. Mio recalls how she forgot to say what the fortune teller did at first which led to the restart. Mio says she had to deliberate on the rules especially with the player skill gap, like whether or not the knight is able to protect the same target for multiple nights in succession. The first real game was village-favored but Mio thought the second game with the added roles was quite werewolf-favored. While giving a disclaimer that she knew everyone's roles, Mio recaps the second game and says it's not hard to discern the werewolves if you really think about it. Assuming the villagers didn't lie:
-The two werewolves, most of the time, wouldn't overlap role claims
-Three fortune teller claims (Roboco, Polka, Korone) means one madman, one werewolf, and the real fortune teller
-Two santa claims (Fubuki, Miko) means one werewolf and the real santa
Polka and Korone say Matsuri is white while Roboco says Fubuki is white. Fubuki was then executed and Botan was eaten; Haachama (medium) claims Fubuki as white and Korone claims Miko as black. As the remaining santa claim, Miko is most likely werewolf if Haachama and Korone are to be trusted. Mio later praises Okayu for following up Botan's claim as knight to obscure their roles. Mio notes Polka's mischeviousness including her claim on the executed Korone as black, which was contested by both viewers and players but never brought up again afterwards. And then, because Roboco was controlling the situation, the others wondered if she was actually the werewolf but Mio thinks most of them just rely on their feelings and insticts too much. Like how they let Miko live after Korone and Haachama's claims.
Mio appreciates how silly and passionate the holos are when they played werewolf, tryharding in werewolf can be quite scary. Everyone has their preferences but Mio likes seeing holo just enjoy themselves and be absurd, like Polka and Miko bringing up crazy what-if situations to throw off everyone else including their own teammates. Mio had actually planned to do 3 hours worth of games while going more slowly but couldn't because other holos had other streams already planned.
>Mio Scenario
What would Mio do? She'd go on the santa claims first because it's a 50/50, then find out the real fortune-teller after. Mio talks about why she doesn't join as a player herself, saying she sucks at lying and leans too much on making the stream feel interesting and would end up getting accused and swiftly executed. Mio believes she's not that charismatic, she can't get others to trust her words and freezes easily when countered. Mio wants to play with 13 people but thinks that's immensely difficult to do so she imagines an 11-people game and how it'd throw the balance of the game. Mio thinks it makes it less punishing on the werewolf side for making mistakes, such as not finding out the knight first. On the other hand, everyone has a possibility of doing their job one more time so it's not impossible for werewolves to lose.
In the middle of all this, Mio makes a little tangent about Namacha Rich Tea and how delicious it is, there's parts that resembles matcha even though it's normal tea.