>>85998016>>86000601Thank you for those pointers, also will try out more artist combos, maybe I'll get lucky too.
>>86001241Cute CC!
>so much that happened It's so wild how many individual things were happening at the same time all over the map. You watch a clip and then in the background you will see or hear a situation unfolding from another clip you saw earlier, in the meantime on the other side of the map two holomem will meet (crash into each other) at the peak of comedic timing (and then they open TwiX on the phone and some wild stuff is happening there). You would need so many screenwriters and the people behing hologra to script all that.
>POVsSo far I really liked IRyS and Biboo. Subaru and Fubuki were great too even with my very limited understanding of Japanese, Fubuki especially, she was so good with using emotes and as far as I know only broke her character once.
>>86001564Evening TWL, nice officer corrections, that at home outfit looks pretty good, at least the parts she still has on do :)
Sexo paizuri gens, giant breast squished together look great in your style.
>>86003736Evening, really good covering herself pose, love the outfit it almost has her logo.
>>86006199Amazing Sana's Sanas! Thank you for making them, I love the first one, but the other views are great as well, you got them examined from all sides.