and to any of the rest in the back who need to sit down and shut the fuck because they're in desperate need of hearing some common fucking sense, I don't give a fuck about how long it is and if you read it or not. It's time you use that peanut sized fucknoodle inside your head for something useful.
1) Stylistically a Loli
There are people who would claim that the proportions of her avatar do not fit the loli aesthetic, but these people are, naturally, incorrect and need to fucking apologize. The issue with using such a broad brush approach to smear a character depiction as "not loli" is that just like every other fucking thing in anime ever, what is considered as being drawn as a loli is very much interdependent upon the artists own style.
My claim: If an artist has a sizeable portfolio to draw from, and that portfolio contains characters that are indisputably Lolis(such as fanart of other characters that (You) would consider Loli), comparing that art to other artwork of his will give us a clear indication of which of his original work is a Loli draw in his or her style.
Luckily, we have exactly that, as Yasupapa has of course drawn a lot of art of Rushia, but has also made artwork of Gura, who most here wouldn't question the Loli status of
Here is a picture of Rushia by her papa: is a picture of Gura by Rushia's papa: note of the proportions. Yes, they're the same.
I don't even need to say much more here. Any qualms you may have about Yasu's stylization are between you and his art, but qualms with quality do not supersede intent, and the intent, very clearly, very EXPLICITLY, is that his vision of Rushia artistically is that of a loli.
2) Self-admission
Rushia has, for any who watch her with any frequency, both specifically stated, joked about, or otherwise alluded to herself as being a "Lolibaba"(ロリババア, or less commonly ロリ婆).
While listing all of the instances of such self-description would be tedious, I'll provide two sources with a significant distance between the two to prove that her referencing herself is a persistent, on-going thing
Firstly, on March 3, 2021, during her fight with Sans(10 months ago!) term can be clearly seen written in kana however and can be heard well when it comes up(note her referencing her age as being 1,600 years old)
The more recent occurrence is her Granny Simulator collaboration with Laplus on Dec 29, 2021(About 2 weeks ago from the time of this post): note of the title of the video
>【Granny Simulator】初コラボ!!ロリ婆vsガキッズ!殴り合い!!【潤羽るしあ/ホロライブ】Yes, that's
>ロリ婆vsガキッズ>Lolibaba vs BratHere she explicitly uses the concept of herself as a joke. In fact, this is a continuous trend, where she has so readily defined herself as such that she's mixed the joke with references to her lore of being 1600 years old, as you can see in the clip. In fact, she uses that age joke often. Even just today, she tweeted this>朝から床をころがる1600歳Making light of her age again, which as we've clearly seen is inherently correlated to her being a Lolibaba.
The loose encapsulation of the term Lolibaba, (provided by, a self-professed wikipedia for アニヲタ or anime wota[basically anime otaku])
>外見はどう見てもロリにしか見えないのに実年齢はかなり高いそんなババアOr, to translate
>The kind of hag who only looks like a loli on the outside, but her actual age is quite high.Specifically, pay attention to
>もロリにしか見えないThis is not a vague statement, and while this is just one example I'm sure any secondary sources from half-way accurate sources would confirm that by the strictest definition, a Lolibaba EXPLICITLY and without ANY DOUBT is considered a Loli in appearance.
If you are a Lolibaba, you must necessary physically be a Loli. It's half the fucking term, for fucks sake! Lolibaba is not some outlying category, it is, in fact, a type of Loli!
To support my claim, here is an English site that serves as a lexical resource to reference for such anime otaku terms, and it includes Lolibaba in this article about various Loli archetypes:
(Part 1)