More clip numbers, recent only (<2 Days). Other here
>>34107568Miko(5->1) with zatsu, but with two Momofu animations to pad out the numbers. (hF57MryzF0A, +213k/6; fnpA2V_B0lg, +33k; EOzqze8cNKQ, +101k/6)
Saku(90->2) with Splatoon, though an Animal Crossing viral clip is why she is high. (1trVuA_T3MU, 303k; 94KHyZ_Kf-s, +41k/3; ZkKHPU2KWe0, +11k)
Kobo(4->3) with yesterday's Among Us clips. (hFvCG1LG4jM, +60k; moKhlKML6Zc, +28k; m-thGFw-PSg, +24k)
Baelz(6->4) with Ring Fit Adventure/zatsu. (9mUGV6sFO-E, +93k; eJLQIY_hIE8, +36k; SN2yvWgDbA0, +35k)
Pekora(8->5) with various clips (Fate/Zero reactions, Animation, DQ8 as examples). (otdDMy7soRY, +50k; hF57MryzF0A, +213k/6; 8mtkjFGowfI, +33k)
Aqua(91->6) with a new Hairstyle and associated zatsu. (pdzCe_0W4_c, +44k; Moir5YScvgo, +36k; qDpaEhkn2gc, +25k)
Kuzuha(7->7) with Variety + Animations. (CM2qX2xvzsQ, +54k; pVvrg2V0ORc, +32k; XKkmdiXFcsY, +74k/3)
Botan(21->8) with zatsu about Nene, and CoD. She also appears in Momofu's Miko/Suisei's animation. (3HpxUtm2vD4, +184k/2; QYT73pQ1h6E, +50k; _YNgtmZA0vA, +39k; hF57MryzF0A, +213k/6)
Utako(88->9) with zatsu/Tamaki. I can infer what the topic is about with a rough translation, but I ain't gonna spread rrats. If someone has a better idea then feel free to tell me. (wVokpzQa5aU, +227k; T4LUeDdeIa8, +53k)
Mumei(9->10) with yesterday's Among Us (uMfjzacwZI0, +19k; rFVPcJxNd_E, +34k/2; gGVoTBObffs, +15k)
Split today is 5.8M(-1.3M) HL to 2.8M(+50k) NJ.