>>86439595She's a "net-positive" vtuber; Someone who does or says a few things I take legitimate issue with but does a lot more of what I do like to keep me around some. To be clear, for Shiina that is A LOT more. A net-positive vtuber can be "Eh, I can watch sometimes if I REALLY have nothing else to do", but I tune into Shiina during those time slots more times than not.
We seem to be close in age, so we have a lot of shared interests and experiences with entertainment. I grew up doing art, so I can relate to or appreciate her hobbies from her illustrations to her calligraphy. I love her singing and hope she gets well enough to return to it soon. She's her most attractive when she's comfortable enough to be more candid and vulnerable with chat. I get that can be hard to do sometimes. So I don't push it, but I do enjoy it nonetheless. I don't mind her playing up the "meemaw" angle since I come in expecting vtubers to play stuff up for entertainment. It's great when she plays into it as a caretaker. Wagging her finger at chat can be cute too sometimes, but other times it can feel condescending. Her frustration can show a little too well. It would also be nice if she felt less self-conscious enough about herself or her job stats to either pander or play it too safe. These things can push people away. Woman, listen, your best already does more than enough for me. No need to take unnecessary extra steps or pull your punches. Though I guess I can't speak for the consensus of the her audience or her current life situation.
She's human; I get it. Still when she does overcome those weaknesses, she's a dang good streamer and woman. Shiina love.