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Alright, I think I've broken down the song. Gonna redditspace this for easier readability. Or, at least, I think it'll be necessary. Pardon me if it isn't.
The earlier parts of the song are about breaking down the listener's faith in the world, pointing out even the viewer doesn't know how to fix the world. It speaks about a sort of apocalypse and begins grooming the viewer into thinking it is best for him to give into his selfish desires. This is a reoccuring theme throughout the song and each mention of it seems to imply that the viewer is losing himself more and more in that selfish darkness, which causes them to become more influenced by Laplus Darkness.
Laplus points out to the viewer the uselessness of morality and the song once again insists to the viewer to focus on purely selfish desires. It is heavily implied that once the viewer gives into this, he then serves HoloX whether he wants to or not.
My guess is that this song highlights the corruption of the mind that HoloX inflicts on the populous. Once a person completely loses all sense of morality, Laplus is capable of complete control over them. Or perhaps they begin to feel like they need to serve her of their own accord. It could be that the viewer then turns into the faceless HoloXer that was revealed today. A mindless, faceless minion formed from pure, selfish evil.