>>80954736>catalog 6/10
not as funny or light hearted as /v/ at times, but not quite /a/ levels of mass reporting fun threads either.
Seems like most anons here have no interest in anything outside of drama, so funni threads turn to serious fighting quickly
>(you)r favorite split 9/10
I'm a /pcg/ fag won't lie. Our threads gets bad sometimes but for the most part it's a nice little community.
>anons of the board 2/10
Too many anons here take shit dead seriously, and even worse containment break with alot of shit specifically to hurt people. Takes alot of the fun away when they're actually going at eachothers throats over a minor joke at someone's oshi.
>anons of your split 7/10There's some real bad actors who have it out for Pippa or someone else, but most anons are just here for a good time.