>>32835347Back in those days, an oji-san was raised in a community that valued honor and family. He could even buy the services of a barely postpubescent whore without the shogunate riding his ass. Geisha filled the remaining niche as companions and entertainers, but weren't a substitute for family or sex.
Fast forward to Marxist western society. No honor. No family values. No paying young women for sex. And in the absence of those highly important things, which are intrinsically tied to a man's psychological needs, geishas are set up to always disappoint because they fail to provide all the things the wayward modern man is missing in his life.
What a man wants is a woman who can be mother, wife and lover to him at the same time, because society saw fit to deprive him of these things in pursuit of MUH HECKIN' GDP GROWTH LAMAO.